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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

As a graduate student (MS or PhD) or post doc interested in furthering your career in the agronomic, crop, soil, and environmental sciences, consider applying for the Encompass Fellows Program, generously sponsored by Bayer Crop Science! 

This Fellows program is open to all graduate students and post-docs who will be presenting at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, November 10-13, 2024, San Antonio, TX. Self-nominations are allowed!

At least 10 students will be selected for the 2024-25 Class of Fellows.

Fellows will begraduate students (MS or PhD) near the end of graduation and post docs seeking employment in the agronomic, crops, soils, and environmental science fields within two years. The program is designed to provide an immersive in-person experience at the Annual Meeting, followed up with virtual events. Within this immersive experience, it is anticipated and expected that Fellows will activity participate in these events!

Fellows will:

  1. Attend and present at the Annual Meeting and participate in the Fellows/mentors/sponsors dinner
  2. Connect with a Year-long Mentor from Bayer Crop Science
  3. Participate in a series of Virtual Professional Development workshop
  4. Participate in a Fellows-only strengths/weaknesses webinar conducted by a Bayer Crop Science Team Member

All Fellows will have their expenses paid for including:

  1. Annual Meeting Registration and Abstract Fees
  2. Annual Meeting Travel Expenses (lodging Sunday-Thursday and up to $1500 in travel expenses - with main cabin airfare if flying)
  3. ASA, CSSA and/or SSSA Membership for the upcoming year
  4. Dinner for Fellows/mentors/sponsors


All nominations are self-nominations and students will provide nominee information, a statement of the impact of this program on career development, leadership positions, statement on change needed to improve DEI in your scientific field, and one reference letter. Nominators will self-report diversity demographics as part of application process. Preference may be give to candidates from under-represented groups.

Important – if you are applying for this program, be sure to submit an abstract for the 2024 ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting. Submit your scientific abstract to any community or division (and also the Diversity Poster Session), abstract submission closes July 9 (4:00 pm central time):

Abstract fees for students are $70 for members or $120 for non-members.
Selected fellows should also present in the Diversity Student Poster Competition at the Annual Meeting.


At least 10 graduate students will be selected for the 2024-25 Class of Fellows.


View Award Committee members
View ASA Board of Directors
View CSSA Board of Directors
View SSSA Board of Directors
View Past Recipients


  1. Members of this Awards Selection Committee and the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a reference for this award.
  2. Nominees cannot also serve as reference letter writers. Please enter the email address of your reference letter writer.



  1. Select which type of program you are currently in:
  2. Are you a currently a SACNAS member?
  3. Are you a currently a MANRRS member?
  4. Indicate which type of abstract you will submit for the ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting:
  5. Advisor Name
  6. Advisor Email
  7. Expected Graduation Date
  8. Field of Study
  9. If selected, do you have the ability to attend the ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting in San Antonio?
  10. List leadership positions with any organizations during your time as an undergraduate and graduate student (if any).
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500)
  11. Describe one major change you think is needed to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in your scientific field.
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500)
  12. Statement of Impact: Describe how attending and presenting at the ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting will enrich your academic experiences and career development.
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500)
  13. I have ensured that the “About Me” section here is complete (login is required):
  14. If I am not selected as an Encompass Fellow please sign me up as an Encompass Scholar for 2023-24

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.