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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

This award is made to recognize outstanding achievement in applying research principles to solve practical problems in soil science. The award consists of a certificate, a complimentary ticket to the award ceremony, and $2,000.


  1. Demonstration of excellence and creativity in applied research or in applying research findings to the solution of problems in soil science
  2. Soundness in reasoning, applied research or application skills, and communication of results
  3. Evidence of impact of achievements on the soil science profession or the information-using community
The Soil Science Applied Research Award is open from January through March.


View Award Committee members
View SSSA Board of Directors
View Past Recipients


  1. Nominators are required to be SSSA members.
  2. Nominees must be living at the time of their nomination.
  3. Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominee for this award.


  1. Former recipients of this Award are not eligible.
  2. Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominee for this award.
  3. Teams are eligible if the following qualifications are met: 1. At least one member of the team is a soil scientist. 2. Where other disciplines are represented, the soil scientist will be a major contributor (50% or more) to the team effort. 3. Only publications where all team members are authors or honors and awards received by the team will be listed. Individual efforts should be omitted.
  4. Nominees are to be soil scientists, but membership in SSSA is not a requirement.


  1. Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a reference for this award.



  1. Current Position Title


  1. Current Position Title
  2. Degrees Received
  3. Professional Positions Held
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000)
  4. Contributions - Teaching
    List teaching contributions. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  5. Service and Extension-type Contributions
    List service and extension-type contributions (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  6. Membership
    List membership in professional, honorary, and academic societies. (Character Limit, including spaces: 1500)
  7. Honors and Awards
    List honors and awards received (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  8. Contributions and Service to the Profession
    List the nominee's professional contributions (other than publications) and describe service to the profession on which the nomination is based and specific to the Soil Science Applied Research Award. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  9. Service to the Society
    List service to the Society. Include national, regional, and state activities, i.e., appointed positions, elected position, other service. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  10. Professional Contributions Listing
    Identify and briefly list the nominee's technical and nontechnical publications, patents, and efforts to develop or improve programs, practices, and products. List up to 12 of the most significant professional contributions of the nominee. (Character Limit, including spaces: 4500)
  11. Evaluation
    In this section, summarize the primary achievements and evaluate the nominee's comprehensive skills, competencies, and qualifications for this award. Give the nominees impact in one or more of the evaluation criteria in the award description. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.