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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

SSSA announces a Travel Grant Award Program for post docs and graduate students to participate in the Kirkham Conference.

Kirkham Conferences are small topical meetings to encourage scientists to make in-depth explorations of disciplinary and interdisciplinary subjects related to soil physics and to enable interactions in ways seldom possible at national and international meetings.

Kirkham Conference Travel Grants will be awarded up to $2,500 each with a total of at least $20,000 awarded through the Agronomic Science Foundation's Kirkham Fund and van der Ploeg Fund. Those with a soil physics/hydrology research interest who are graduate students or recent MS/PhD graduates (up to 3 years past terminal degree) are eligible to apply.

One letter of reference from the applicant's major professor or advisor is required.

The 2025 Kirkham Conference will be held at J-Village in Fukushima, Japan, 18-22 August, 2025. Read more about the Kirkham Conference in our overview document. Abstract submission will open in early 2025.


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  1. A nominee must have a soil physics/hydrology research interest and is a graduate student or recent MS/PhD graduate (up to three years past terminal degree). If you are a recent graduate, please be sure your degree information is up-to-date in your record at



  1. Current Position Title/Status
    List your current position title/current degree being sought/post doc position held and majors/minors
  2. Current Institution/Organization
    List your current institution, including department and location, and major professors/advisors (if a student). (Character Limit, including spaces: 1000)
  3. Achievements and Career Goals
    Provide a brief synopsis of your professional achievements in soil science and career goals. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000)
  4. Proposed Poster Presentation
    List the title, objectives, methods, results, and interpretation of your proposed poster presentation of research to be presented at the Kirkham Conference. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000)
  5. Resume/Curiculum Vitae (CV)
    Upload a resume/curriculum vitae (CV) that includes all degrees received with majors minors, dates, institutions, and major professors/advisors. Also include work experience and publications.
  6. How will attending and presenting at the Kirkham Conference further your career goals?
  7. Where will you be traveling from?
    City, State (if applicable), Country
  8. Provide a Budget Justification
    Provide information on how much funding you are requesting and provide a budget justification/narrative for this amount. Do not provide an excel file of your budget, just a narrative.

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.