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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

Complete this self-nomination to be considered as a CSSA Graduate Student Board Representative nominee. If you would like to be considered for this tremendous opportunity, review the CSSA Board of Directors guidelines, roles and responsibilities and then complete this self-nomination. The CSSA Representatives of the ACS Graduate Student Committee will review the nominations and submit their top two candidates for the CSSA Election Ballot. To be eligible, you must be in a M.S. or PhD graduate program (even if you graduate during that time), and be a CSSA grad student member for the duration of your term. Note: If you are selected to serve on the CSSA Board, you will not be eligbile to apply for CSSA Scholarships during your term in 2026-2027. You would be eligible to apply for ASA and SSSA Scholarships. You would be eligible for financial support to attend the Annual Meeting.

Questions? Conact Governance Director Sara Uttech, 608-268-4948

The Crop Science Society of America is seeking a 2026-2027 Graduate Student Representative on the CSSA Board of Directors (two year term).


View Award Committee members
View CSSA Board of Directors
View Past Recipients


  1. Nominee must be a Graduate Student member during their term (2024-2025).
  2. Nominees must be a current/renewed CSSA member.



  1. University/Department/Degrees
    List your University, Department, and Degree(s) being sought, as nominees must be in agronomy or related graduate program. (Character Limit, including spaces: 1500)
  2. Advisor/Major Professor and Agreement
    List the full name of your advisor/major professor and state that they agree to your potential role/responsibilities if elected.
  3. Brief Narrative
    Enter a brief narrative about yourself and why you want to to serve on the Board of Directors and what you would bring to the position. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000)

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.