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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

The Soil and Water Management and Conservation Young Scholar Award serves to recognize young scientists who have made outstanding contributions to soil and water management and conservation within seven years of completing their Ph.D. Recipients will receive a plaque from the Soil and Water Management and Conservation division at the ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting.


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  1. Nominees are required to be SSSA members.
  2. Nominees must be within 7 years of their terminal degree as of 31 December in the award year. Note: The system checks the degree entered, if available. Ask the nominee to ensure their Degree is entered at:
  3. Nominees are required to be members of the Soil and Water Management and Conservation Division.



  1. List Degrees Received, include the institutions you attended.
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 400)
  2. What was your field of study?
  3. What was your graduation date?
  4. List professional positions held
    including name of position or office, years, organizations, and locations. (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  5. Teaching contributions
    Include: a. Courses taught b. Advising i. Undergraduate students ii. Graduate students c. Evaluation of teaching effectiveness d. Other related teaching activities (document with number of courses taught, number of students taught and advised, and summary of student and peer evaluations) e. Awards or recognition received f. Teaching grants: proposals written and funding received (Character Limit, including spaces: 600)
  6. Extension and service contribution
    Include: a. Listing and evaluation of extension activities b. Listing and evaluation of service activities c. Awards or recognition received d. Extension/outreach grants: proposals written and funding received (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  7. Research contributions
    Include: a. Listing and evaluation of basic and/or applied research activities b. Other related research activities c. Awards or recognition received d. Research grants: proposals written and funding received (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  8. Contributions to public and professional organizations
    a. Include memberships, positions and accomplishments in professional societies, universities, government agencies, and others (document service to SSSA, particularly to the Soil and Water Management and Conservation Division, Soil and Water Conservation Society, and other public and professional organizations with soil and water management conservation as its core mission) b. Awards or recognition received (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  9. Professional publications
    Include: a. books written; b. books or other publications edited; c. chapters of books written; d. technical papers, refereed; e. technical papers, nonrefereed; f. nontechnical papers; g. patents; h. invited lectures, seminars, or symposia presentations; i. other related oral, written, visual presentations, or products. j. In addition, list only the five (5) most significant publications, patents, and presentations or products in literature citation form and provide copies of the two most significant publications. (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  10. Nomination narrative
    Use this section to support this nomination in any way you deem appropriate (Character Limit, including spaces: 400)

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.