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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

The Graduate Student Travel scholarships are provided through generous contributions from members and several matches from the Agronomic Science Foundation. 

This program is the first of its kind because it is organized by graduate students for graduate students. These funds will be awarded to a select number of qualified students who plan to present research at the 2024 meeting in San Antonio, are unable to attend the Annual Meeting without additional outside financial assistance (not fully supported by the professor, department, or program), and can provide justification outlining how meeting attendance will benefit their careers.

To donate please visit us here: Graduate Student Travel Scholarship | ASF - Agronomic Science Foundation (

Travel scholarships will fund a minimum of 10 students, with funding of up to $750 per student.


View Award Committee members
View Past Recipients


  1. Participants must be graduate student members of ASA, CSSA, or SSSA.
  2. Past recipients are not eligible to receive additional graduate student travel grants.



  1. Are you currently in a Master's or Doctorate program?
  2. Advisor Name
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 100)
  3. Advisor Email
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 100)
  4. Expected Graduation Date
    Month and Year (Character Limit, including spaces: 100)
  5. Field of Study
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 300)
  6. Describe your past or intended involvement with ASA, CSSA, SSSA committees (Graduate Students, SASES, DEI) and communities/divisions of interest, specialty groups (if any).
    Please do not just list communities and divisions. Rather, describe your comprehensive involvement with the societies. (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  7. Have you attended the Annual Meeting before?
  8. How do you intend to be an active member of the Societies during the annual meetings (organizing sessions, panels, workshops)?
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  9. Do you have funding available to attend the Annual Meeting?
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 250)
  10. What are your total anticipated travel expenses (describe in detail, lodging, travel, food, etc.) and what percent will be covered by other sources (department, research grant, other organizations, etc)?
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  11. Will you have an oral or poster presentation at the Annual Meeting?
  12. Travel Scholarship Request
    Provide a brief justification for your travel scholarship request, including how participation in the Annual Meeting will benefit your professional development (Character Limit, including spaces: 1500)
  13. Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    Upload your resume/curriculum vitae (CV) that describes your background, experience, and achievements
  14. Why do you deserve this scholarship?
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 1000)

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.