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The ASA Environmental Quality Section Inspiring Early Career Scientist Award recognizes worthy professionals who have made an outstanding contribution toward sustaining agriculture through Environmental Quality research, teaching, extension/public service or industry activity within approximately seven years of completing their terminal degree. The award consists of a certificate of recognition and $500. The award will be presented at the Environmental Quality Section Business Meeting during the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting.
The award will be made for creativity/originality and impact of research, teaching, extension/public service or industry contributions in the area of agriculture and environmental quality. Nominators should also demonstrate what is particularly inspiring about the nominee and their work.
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- Nominators are required to be members of the ASA Environmental Quality Section.
- Nominators are required to be ASA Members.
- Nominees are required to be ASA Members.
- Nominees must be within 7 years of their terminal degree as of 31 December in the award year. Note: The system checks the degree entered, if available. Ask the nominee to ensure their Degree is entered at:
- Nominees are required to be members of the ASA Environmental Quality Section.
Current Position TItle
Are you a current member of the Environmental Quality Section?
Degrees Recieved
Please include dates. -
Professional Positions Held
(Character Limit, including spaces: 2000) -
Membership and Involvement in the ASA Environmental Quality Section
List Environmental Quality Section communities in which the nominee has been involved and at what level (member, community leader, session moderator, session presenter, etc.). (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000) -
Other Memberships and Professional/Organizational Service
List membership in other professional, honorary, and academic societies beyond the ASA Environmental Quality Section, including other ASA sections and communities. Also list professional and organizational service (e.g., organizational committees, editorships, etc.) (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000) -
Honors and Awards
(Character Limit, including spaces: 1500) -
Indicate effort in the areas of Research/Teaching/Extension and/or public service/Industry.
Check which areas the nominee is active. Nominees will not be penalized for absence of effort in any of these areas. -
Indicate percent effort in the areas of Research/Teaching/Extension and/or public service/Industry.
Nominees will not be penalized for absence of effort in any of these areas. (e.g., 60/0/40/0 for a 60/40 research/extension appointment) -
Describe the nominee’s creativity and originality in their research/teaching/extension or public service/industry program(s).
What makes this nominee’s work particularly unique? (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000) -
Describe the impact the nominee’s research/teaching/extension or public service/industry program has had.
Use quantifiable metrics (e.g., number of acres impacted, mass of pollutant avoided or treated). Impact refers to real change in the real world resulting from the nominee’s work (e.g., not just lists of publications or grant funding). Please consider how the nominee’s work has benefited society and the environment. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000) -
What do you find particularly inspiring about this person and their work?
Include inspirational aspects of the nominee’s management of work-life balance, if appropriate. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000)
Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.