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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

The Hans Jenny Soil Field Trip Award, encourages student participation in field trips/tours offered at the SSSA Annual Meeting by subsidizing their participation and/or providing travel scholarships. This Field Trip Award was established by Dr. Bill McFee and is named for Hans Jenny, renowned scientist and  professor of soil science, and author of Factors of Soil Formation, a well-known reference book.  Priorities for the award will be for nominees attending field trips/tours related to pedology, geomorphology, forest and range soils, and land use but all Society-sponsored field trips will be considered. Tour descriptions are found here.

Up to $2000, in total, will be available and individual award amounts will be based on the number of applicants selected and financial costs/need. The goal is to allocate funds to cover the full expense of the tour and related travel expenses (but not airfare).


The award application is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are SSSA members.  Self-nominations are allowed.  Nominations are open through Thursday, July 25.  Students will be notified by August 16 if they will be receiving funding.



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  1. Login required.
  2. Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominee for this award.
  3. Participants must be undergraduate student members or graduate student members of ASA, CSSA, or SSSA.
  4. Nominees are required to be SSSA members.



  1. Are you attending the Annual Meeting, Nov. 7-10?
  2. Are you presenting, either poster or oral, at the Annual Meeting?
  3. What is your expected graduation date?
  4. Select the tour you are applying for funding to participate in:
  5. Tell us about your interest in pedology, geomorphology, forest/range/wildland soils, land use, or related scientific area.
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500)
  6. What is your interest in attending the tour and how will it benefit you in your professional/academic development?
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500)
  7. How much funding will you need to fully participate in the tour (provide a budget justification)?
    (Character Limit, including spaces: 500)
  8. Provide your CV/Resume/Biosketch (2-page max)

Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.