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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

Fellow is the highest recognition bestowed by the Crop Science Society of America. Members of the Society nominate worthy colleagues based on their professional achievements and meritorious service. Up to 0.3 percent of the Society’s active and emeritus members may be elected Fellow. The award consists of a certificate, a complimentary ticket to the award ceremony, and CSSA Fellow pin.

Fellow Awards are open from January through March.

In 2024, up to 8 individuals may be elected as Fellow of the Crop Science Society of America.

To assist with the nomination, the Fellows Committee will follow this Scoring Rubric to allocate points for each section of the nomination: View Fellows Rubric

Note: The Fellows Award was updated in 2021, which includes several changes to the form fields, so if you are re-submitting a nomination, please update your nomination information before submission.

NOTE: If you receive an error message when assigning points in the CAREER ROLES section, please confirm that any sections with points contains information in the CAREER ROLES description. Similaryly any CAREER ROLES with zero (null value) have no characters in the CAREER ROLES respective description. Note that the system may take a few minutes to validate the points sections before the error message will disappear. We appreciate your patience as the system calculates and validates the points sections.


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  1. Nominators can nominate up to two people per Society.
  2. Nominators are required to be CSSA members.
  3. Members of this CSSA Awards Committee and the CSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominator for this award.


  1. Former recipients of this Award are not eligible.
  2. Nominees are required to be CSSA members, with 7 years active membership. To verify a nominee's member status, access our Member Directory, or contact the Member Services Department, 608-273-8080,
  3. The nominee will have made outstanding contributions in an area of specialization whether in research, teaching, extension, service, or administration and whether in public, commercial, or private service activities.
  4. Members of this CSSA Awards Committee and the CSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominee for this award.


  1. Members of this CSSA Awards Committee and the CSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a reference for this award.



  1. Current Position Title


  1. Current Position Title
  2. Degrees Received
  3. Professional Positions Held
    Provide a very brief description of the position the candidate holds, or has held that are of importance to this nomination. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000)
  4. Honors and Awards (5 points)
    List up to 15 significant honors or awards that the candidate has received. These can include teaching, industry or research awards, and can be from a wide range of groups or societies. A list of the awards or honors is sufficient. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  5. CAREER ROLES: Instructions - PLEASE READ
    For the complete CAREER ROLES section allocate up to a total of 50 points for this section (Areas 1 through 5), but no less than 10 points per completed area. For example, if the nominator supplies information for only 3 areas they could allocate points as 20, 20 and 10, respectively. Assigning an allocation of zero to one or more areas will not weaken the nomination – it simply means that the 50 points are allocated to other areas in this section. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE ALL THE AREAS IN THIS SECTION. USE AS MANY AREAS AS YOU NEED FOR YOUR NOMINEE. Any section not being used still needs a 0 point allocation.
  6. CAREER ROLES: Area 1. Outreach/Extension/Industrial Education
    Specify Points Allocated.
  7. CAREER ROLES: Area 1. Outreach/Extension/Industrial Education - Description
    Describe significant contributions in teaching, extension and/or industrial education in (a) communicating ideas clearly, and (b) influencing attitudes or motivating favorable action, to a significant degree, with students or clients. Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of publications supporting the nominee's performance. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  8. CAREER ROLES: Area 2. Teaching/Mentoring/Training
    Specify Points Allocated.
  9. CAREER ROLES: Area 2. Teaching/Mentoring/Training - Description
    Describe significant contributions in undergraduate and/or graduate teaching, including course/curriculum development, student advising, or development of new teaching methodologies. This section may also include mentoring (student, post-doc, visiting scholars, other employees, clientele) or training as a part of activities such as international development. This section may also include evidence of developed and implementation of novel teaching methods (e.g., distance education). Industry based nominees should indicate any talent training/development components of the nominee’s career such as workshops or internal training for new scientists within their industry. Funded research, or other tangible monetary measures of the success of a program could be included in this section as well. Numbers of graduate students trained, and their impact should be included in Area 3 UNLESS the nominee does not have an investigative appointment. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  10. CAREER ROLES: Area 3. Investigative Competency
    Specify Points Allocated.
  11. CAREER ROLES: Area 3. Investigative Competency - Description
    Describe significant contributions in investigative competency. Significance and originality of basic and applied research contributions and evidence of creative reasoning and skill in interpreting significant data can be included here. Monetary measures of research funding, or other tangible measures of the success of a program could be included as well. Graduate student, post-doc, visiting scholar training such as numbers and their impact should be included in this area. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  12. CAREER ROLES: Area 4. Service/Advocacy
    Specify Points Allocated.
  13. CAREER ROLES: Area 4. Service/Advocacy - Description
    Describe significant service or advocacy to the profession in universities, foundations, associations, commercial organizations, communities, government agencies, or international agencies. This area can include external service, such as K-12 outreach, legislative activities, service on grant panels, or community service in which the nominees’ guidance and expertise is a part of the service. It can also include internal service, such as that for the industry, university, foundation or other organization for which the nominee is employed. Do not repeat information that might have already been included in Areas 1 or 2. Do not include any service to scientific societies, which will be included the Service to Societies section. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  14. CAREER ROLES: Area 5. Leadership/Administration
    Specify Points Allocated.
  15. CAREER ROLES: Area 5. Leadership/Administration - Description
    This section is intended to document nominees for whom Leadership or Administration is formally part of their position (e.g., Department Head, Research Leader/Center Director or a Chief of Party). For other nominees, this category should be allocated ‘0’ points. This section describes evidence of creativeness and effectiveness of leadership or administrative activities within a funded administrative role. Leadership roles in service to a scientific, commodity or other society or organization are to be discussed in other sections of the application. (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  16. Professional Output (15 points)
    Identify and briefly list the nominee's technical and nontechnical publications, books, patents, outreach publications, twitter feeds, web presence, short courses, training sessions or other efforts to develop or improve programs, practices, and products. Professional Output can also include significant Extension programming, development of training modules or instructional units (including videos, podcasts or other methods of presentation), or other materials that communicate the nominees impact to a wide range of clientele. Do not include reports of funded research amounts, or other tangible monetary measures in this section. Provide that information in the various categories in ‘Career Roles’ instead. Only 15 items may be listed, each with only a 1 to 2 sentence descriptor as to why this product or output is significant. (Character Limit, including spaces: 4500)
  17. Service to the Societies (20 points)
    List service activities within the specific society for which this Fellow nomination is created. Include appointed positions, editorships, elected positions, committee service, participation in or organization of symposia, organization of tours, work with inclusion and diversity issues, K-12 education, and other service. This area should also be used to list service activities for scientific societies outside the one for which this Fellow nomination is created. Include appointed positions, editorships, elected positions, committee service, and other service (Character Limit, including spaces: 3000)
  18. Summary (5 points)
    In this section, summarize the most significant personal and professional achievements which you believe qualify the nominee for election to Fellowship in the Society. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000)

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