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This award is presented to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of Pedology. Contributions on which nominations for the awards are based will have been made within the past 5 years. This award is supported by the Advancing Pedology Lectureship Fund established through the Agronomic Science Foundation and administered by the Soil Science Society of America. The award consists of a certificate, waived abstract fees for the SSSA Annual Meeting, and $500. Recipients of the Advancing Pedology Award are expected to give a presentation about their advancement or significant contribution at the Advancing Pedology Colloquium during the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting.
- The development of methods or techniques that advance the field of pedology; or
- The discovery of previously unknown or poorly understood pedological mechanisms; or
- The application of pedological methods and/or knowledge to advance long-standing problems in soil science or related disciplines.
Nominators must address how the methods, knowledge, or application of their nominee’s contribution fall clearly within the subfields of pedology such as soil classification, soil morphology (including micromorphology), soil genesis, and/or soil mapping. The contribution must be in the form of a peer-reviewed publication (journal article or book chapter). Nominations will be accepted for pedologists in any career stage including graduate students studying pedology. This award is intended to honor a single well-defined contribution to the pedological literature. As such, nominations that include multiple publications are discouraged and it is expected that the contribution will primarily apply to only one of the three above listed criteria. Although this is anticipated to be a yearly award in the event that nominations are not of sufficient quality it is possible that the award may not be given every year.
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- Nominators are required to be SSSA Members
- Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominator for this award.
- Former recipients of this Award are not eligible.
- Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominee for this award.
- Nominees must be living at the time of their nomination.
- Nominees are to be soil scientists but membership in the Society is not a requirement.
- Nominations will be accepted for any career stage including graduate students.
Current Position Title
Current Position Title
Evaluation - A: Primary Achievements - Peer Reviewed Journal/Book Chapter
In this section, summarize the primary achievements and/or contribution of the nominee (in the form of a single published peer-reviewed journal article or book chapter). Include the citation for the contribution and a pdf copy. -
Evaluation - B. Contributions
Explain how the nominee’s contribution represents a major advance in one or more of the following categories: (1) the development of methods or techniques that advance the field of pedology; (2) the discovery of previously unknown or poorly understood pedological mechanisms; or (3) the application of pedological methods and/or knowledge to advance long-standing problems in soil science or related disciplines. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500) -
Evaluation - C: Pedology Contribution
Explain how the methods, knowledge, or application of their nominee’s contribution fall clearly within the subfields of pedology such as soil classification, soil morphology (including micromorphology), soil genesis, and/or soil mapping. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500) -
Evaluation - D: Contribution
Explain the impact of the nominee’s contribution to pedology and soil science in one or more of the evaluation criteria listed in the award description (Character Limit, including spaces: 2500) -
CV Upload
Please attach a current CV for the nominee, including: Current Position Title, Current Contact Information, Degrees Received -
Professional Positions Held
(Character Limit, including spaces: 1500) -
Honors and Awards Received
(Character Limit, including spaces: 1500)
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