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ASA, CSSA, SSSA Statements

Letters and Comments to Policymakers

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA is a leading voice for food, agriculture, and natural resources research and regularly submits letters and comments to Congress, federal agencies, and the administration on these topics. Find our Society statements and coalition sign-on letters below.

Letters on research funding can be found here.


The Societies joined over 500 other organizations urging Congress to pass a farm bill this year. [July 22, 2024]

ASA, CSSA, SSSA 2024 Spring Policy Update [July 2024]

The Societies and its collaborators encouraging support for their Farm Bill initiatives … As organizations dedicated to building a more sustainable and resilient U.S. agricultural system, we encourage you to increase investments to support agricultural research and innovation programs in the final Farm Bill agreement. [June 10, 2024]

The Societies and its collaborators urging US Forestry Service to fill long-standing vacant staff positions at the National Agroforestry Center (NAC) to ensure the Center can properly carry out its mission to accelerate the adoption of agroforestry. [June 10, 2024]

The Friends of the Agricultural Research Service (FARS) Coalition which the Societies are members, wrote in support of USDA ARS and requested funding at $1.95 billion for the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies for Fiscal Year 2025. [March 25, 2024]

The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Coalition which the Societies are members has requested increased funding to $500 million for AFRI in FY 2025.  USDA’s flagship competitive grants program for fundamental and applied research, extension, and education in support of all topics across the food and agricultural enterprise. [March 25, 2024]

The Societies lead a coalition encouraging Congress to provide an investment of $50 million for the Agriculture Advanced Research and Development Authority (AGARDA) for FY 2025. [March 25, 2024]


ASA, CSSA, and SSSA offer comments on how the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) can implement Inflation Reduction Act funding. [December 21, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join coalition partners to urge the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to fill National Agroforester vacancy. [August 30, 2022]

The Coalition for the National Science Foundation (CNSF) applauds Congress for passing the CHIPS and Science Act. [August 2, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA endorse provisions supporting NSF and DOE research funding in the CHIPS and Science Act. [July 27, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join coalition partners to offer strong support for President Biden’s nominee to lead the White House Office on Science and Technology Policy, Dr. Arati Prabhakar and urge her swift confirmation. [July 18, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to USDA on fertilizer competition and access, including recommendations to address fertilizer supply chain challenges and high prices through 4R nutrient management and precision technology. [July 15, 2022]

With the Ag Biotech Alliance, CSSA submitted comments to USDA on seed competition and access. [June 15, 2022]

Dr. Sylvie Brouder testifies before the House Agriculture Committee on Climate Research and Agricultural Resiliency. [June 15, 2022]

The National Coalition for Food and Ag Research (NCFAR) congratulates Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young on USDA-REE Under Secretary confirmation. [June 7, 2022]

Dr. Margaret Holzer testifies before the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry on behalf of the SSSA K-12 Committee. [May 25, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA among 87 scientific publishers to ask Congress to retain current open access policies for federally funded research. [April 27, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 31 scientific societies and universities support STEM immigration provisions in the United States Innovation and Competition Act and the America COMPETES Act of 2022. [March 22, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, SSSA, and the ICCA program submit feedback to the Senate Agriculture Committee regarding CRP conversion to cropland. [March 17, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 30 other scientific societies in urging action on immigration rules and research programs to aid Ukrainian students and researchers. [March 11, 2022]

The ICCA program submits comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding pesticide certification plans. [March 9, 2022]

As part of the Energy Science Coalition (ESC), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA support including Department of Energy (DOE) provisions in final innovation package. [March 7, 2022]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit recommendations to the USDA Equity Commission and Subcommittee on Agriculture. [February 22, 2022]

The ICCA program submits comments to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on heat related injury and illness. [January 26, 2022]

As part of the Energy Science Coalition (ESC), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA sent a letter of support for the confirmation of Dr. Asmeret Berhe as Director of the Office of Science at the DOE. [January 18, 2022]

As part of the Energy Science Coalition (ESC), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA sent a letter to DOE's Secretary of Energy Advisory Board urging the office to advance ambitious climate and clean energy goals. [January 18, 2022]

The ICCA program sent a letter to the Florida Senate supporting SB 1000 which defines a certified professional as a CCA with the CCA - 4R Nutrient Management Specialty. [January 15, 2022]


As part of the Coalition for the National Science Foundation (CNSF), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA sent a letter to Congressional leadership in support of increased NSF funding in the US Innovation and Competition Act (USICA). [November 23, 2021]

As part of the National Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research (NCFAR), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA sent a letter of support for the nomination of Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young to serve as Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics at USDA. [November 16, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to the USDA on its Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry Partnership Program. [November 1, 2021]

As part of the AFRI Coalition, ASA, CSSA, and SSSA sent a letter of support for the $7.75 billion in funding for USDA research in the House Agriculture Committee reconciliation proposal. [September 28, 2021]

As part of the Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA thank Congress for the National Science Foundation (NSF) allocation in the House Science, Space and Technology Committee in the budget reconciliation bill. [September 24, 2021]

As part of the Energy Science Coalition (ESC), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA ask Congress to support $15.5 billion in funding for the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories and infrastructure in any reconciliation package. [September 21, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 33 other scientific societies and universities to support the Bioeconomy Research and Development Act. [September 14, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 27 other scientific societies and universities urging the administration to make Afghan STEM professionals eligible for priority visas. [August 25, 2021]

CSSA joins 12 agricultural groups to submit comments to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) on exemptions to the SECURE Rule which regulates genetically modified/edited crops. [August 18, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA release climate solutions position statement outlining concrete actions policymakers can take to help U.S. agriculture mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects. [July 31, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) request for information (RFI) to improve federal scientific integrity policies. [July 28, 2021]

SSSA join three other scientific societies to welcome new National Science Foundation Geoscience Directorate Assistant Director, Alexandra Isern.  [July 27, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 45 other scientific organizations asking Congress to address the effects of climate change. [June 30, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join nine other agricultural groups to provide comments to USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) on how animal and crop biotechnology can be used to promote supply chain resilience in the face of climate change. [June 21, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA congratulate Eric Lander on his confirmation as the first Cabinet level Science Advisor and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Director. [June 16, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 50 other agricultural groups urging the U.S. to support designating 2026 as the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists[June 15, 2021]

With the Energy Science Coalition (ESC), ASA, CSSA, and SSSA endorse the DOE Science of the Future Act, H.R. 3593. [June 11, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 151 scientific and agricultural groups asking Congress to support a $40 billion investment in agricultural climate research, agricultural innovation, and agricultural research infrastructure. [June 8, 2021] The same letter was also sent to President Biden

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 110 scientific and publishing groups in support of open science and sustainable public access principles. [June 7, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 21 scientific societies to ask Congress for increased coordination and support for microbiome research across Federal science agencies. [May 14, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 350 national and regional groups to ask Congress to invest $11.5 billion to address ag research infrastructure needs. [May 3, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 30 other scientific and agricultural groups to submit comments on the importance of biotechnology to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) request for information (RFI) on USDA’s Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry Strategy. [April 29, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) request for information (RFI) on USDA’s Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry Strategy. [April 29, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join more than 100 science, education, and agriculture organizations to support the America Grows Act, legislation that would increase USDA research funding over the next ten years. [April 26, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join seven research and university groups to urge Secretary Vilsack to prioritize AgARDA, the high-impact, ag research pilot program. [April 8, 2021] See the AgARDA Roadmap here.

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 198 research and university groups to ask President Biden to support the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act to provide supplemental research funding to address the impacts of COVID-19. [March 24, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit Outside Witness Testimony to the Senate Agriculture Committee for the hearing, Farmers and Foresters: Opportunities to Lead in Tackling Climate Change. [March 11, 2021]

CSSA joins 15 agricultural groups to submit Outside Witness Testimony to the House Agriculture Committee on for the hearing on Climate Change and the U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Sectors. [March 5, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit Outside Witness Testimony to the House Agriculture Committee for the hearing, Climate Change and the U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Sectors. [March 3, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA join 135 agriculture, research, and university groups to congratulate Agriculture Secretary Vilsack and urge him to prioritize food, agriculture, and natural resources research. [March 1, 2021]

Task Force on American Innovation (TFI) letter to the Biden transition team outlining recommendations for federal research programs. [January 25, 2021]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA letter to the Biden transition team outlining recommendations for USDA research programs. [January 15, 2021]


Energy Science Coalition (ESC) letter to the Biden transition team outlining policy recommendations for the Department of Energy-Office of Science (DOE-SC). [December 17, 2020]

National Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research (NCFAR) letter to the Biden transition team outlining policy recommendations for USDA research programs. [December 11, 2020]

170 research and education groups urge Congress to provide supplemental funding for research programs to address the impacts of COVID-19. [December 8, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments on EPA rule on plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs) derived from newer technologies. [December 8, 2020]

CSSA joins 27 other plant and agriculture groups to to comment on EPA rule on plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs) derived from newer technologies. [December 8, 2020]

Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) letter to the Biden transition team outlining policy recommendations for the National Science Foundation (NSF). [December 2, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments on "ready-to-go" technologies for USDA's Agriculture Innovation Agenda. [November 9, 2020]

Eleven agricultural groups urge Congress to modernize America’s broadband coverage maps by funding the bipartisan Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability (DATA) Act. [November 9, 2020]

ASA, CSSA and SSSA submit comments to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) opposing proposed rule change to student visa length of stay. [October 26, 2020]

52 scientific and research groups oppose Executive Order suspending diversity training programs at federal agencies. [October 7, 2020]

82 scientific and education groups support House Science Committee call for National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) study on systemic racism in academia. [September 2, 2020]

CSSA submit comments to the Department of Defense on biotechnology education and workforce development. [August 28, 2020]

ASA, CSSA and SSSA submit comments on the Draft Prospectus of the Fifth National Climate Assessment. [August 6, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA lead multi-Society Task Force to submit comments to USDA's Agriculture Innovation Agenda. [July 31, 2020]

CSSA joins 14 other plant and agriculture groups to urge the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to publish draft guidance on plant gene editing. [July 29, 2020]

SSSA joins six other geoscience groups in declaration of the significance of geoscience expertise to meet global societal challenges. [July 11, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA oppose harmful U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policy for international students. [July 10, 2020]

67 scientific and education groups oppose U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policy change to international student visas. [July 8, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) on the Urban, Indoor and other Emerging Agricultural Production Research, Education and Extension Initiative. [June 22, 2020]

Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) letter to Senate in supporting the confirmation of Sethuraman Panchanathan as the Director of the National Science Foundation. [June 15, 2020]

39 scientific and education groups oppose EPA rule that would limit the use of scientific studies in health and environmental policymaking. [May 18, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on open science. [May 6, 2020]

18 coalitions composed of scientific societies, trade groups, and educational organizations ask Congress to provide $26 billion in supplemental funding for federal research to mitigate impacts of COVID-19 outbreak [May 4, 2020]

162 national and regional agricultural stakeholder groups ask Congress for $380 million in supplemental funding for USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to mitigate impacts of COVID-19 outbreak [April 21, 2020]

Energy Science Coalition (ESC) submit recommendations to House Science Committee to mitigate impacts to Department of Energy-Office of Science (DOE-SC) from COVID-19 outbreak [April 13, 2020]

Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) submit recommendations to House Science Committee to mitigate impacts to National Science Foundation (NSF) from COVID-19 outbreak [April 13, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on characteristics of federal data repositories. [March 17, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments on the future of USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). [February 24, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) on hemp farming regulations. [January 29, 2020]

ASA, CSSA, and SSSA submit comments to the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on the research environment. [January 28, 2020]