Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Feedback, Concerns, Ideas, and Suggestions
We are committed to an inclusive culture where all belong, including a safe environment when participating in our events, programs, activities, and services.
A Code of Conduct policy guides our meetings which extends to our programs and activities. In addition, Discussion Board Guidelines describe appropriate conduct – both while using the discussion boards and in any communication and interaction.
We will continue to work with you, our Society members, and staff to improve our climate of inclusivity, and we want to hear from you. This form was created so anyone in our Societies and scientific communities may provide feedback, concerns, ideas, and suggestions to continue the work of ensuring our Societies are inclusive, equitable, and diverse.
The ASA, CSSA and SSSA Societies work because of, and for, YOU.
When you complete this form, an email will be sent to our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leaders (our CEO and Director of Member Services). Depending on the subject matter, your feedback/concerns/ideas/suggestions may be referred to the appropriate Society president, committee, task force, and/or staff. We may contact you to gather more information as well. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may do so simply by not completing the contact information.
If you prefer to reach out directly to our staff you can contact Susan Chapman, Director of Special Programs at 608-268-4951 or via email or Jim Cudahy, CEO at 608-268-4973 or via email.
To request a follow-up conversation please include your contact information at the end of the form.